Welcome to Prof. Merrill Ring's Home Page


In June 2005, I ended 40 years of being a professor of philosophy. Anyone interested in the official record of those 40 years, can click Professional Vita. I did not end my teaching career or my philosophical and intellectual life at official retirement:  I continued teaching part-time until some surgery got in the way; and I certainly haven't stopped writing and publishing philosophy and trying to be my own version of a public intellectual  So the account of my professional life is continued beyond 2005 in that Vita.

One can find an annotated list of the papers published on this web site plus links to them at Papers .

Note:  I've decided not to change my picture though it is out of date: while I still have the shirt and coat in the picture, the glasses have gone and my hair is more gray.  But I doubt that the overall effect of me today is much different than it is in that picture taken in London a few years ago.