Philosophy Students at CSU Fullerton
The Philosophy Department knows that going to an enormous state university can feel impersonal. So, we give you the opposite experience—the experience of going to a small liberal arts college (housed within an enormous state university). The Philosophy Major and Minor are relatively small by CSUF standards. This is a good thing. It means that not only will you get to know other Majors and Minors, you will get to know them so well that you can predict how they are going to respond to arguments! You will also get to know your professors, who love to talk about philosophy. Philosophy students have made life-long friends in this department. We are proud of that and proud of you, our students.
Some cool things Philosophy Students can do:
Check out the Cave! H-313, aka Plato’s Cave, is a great place to meet other Philosophy students, and study for exams. The department’s extensive philosophy library is also available for use (but thanks in advance for not taking the books from the room).
Join the Philosophy Club: Any CSUF student can join—you don’t have to be a Philosophy Major or Minor. If you think Philosophy is cool, look into the Philosophy Club. The Philosophy Club offers an opportunity for students to present their research, invite speakers, and watch and discuss films. Visit the Philosophy Club page. Insert link.
Participate in the Philosophy Symposium: The Philosophy Symposium is an annual conference, held every Spring. The Philosophy Club helps organize the Symposium. Select Philosophy Majors have the opportunity to comment on the papers of the professional philosophers who speak at the Symposium. Visit the Symposium page. Insert link here.
Go to the Pacific APA
: The Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association is held every Spring. It rotates among cities on the West Coast (including SF and LA). Papers on nearly every topic in Philosophy are presented. The Philosophy Department can provide funding for students to become members of the APA and register for the conference.
Friend us! Keep up with upcoming events in Philosophy. Follow us on Facebook
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If you have questions about advising, course schedules, and resources for philosophical research, check out the pages below:
Advising: Do you need help deciding which Philosophy courses to take? Are you considering Philosophy as a Major or Minor? Check out these pages on Advising.
Current Course Schedule: Do you need to know the course schedule for this semester? Check it out.
Course Rotation: Do you need to plan your schedule for next year? Need to know when courses will be offered? Check out the Course Rotations in the Philosophy Department. (Please note that we are not always able to offer all of the courses we want to offer due to budget constraints.)
Research Resources: Do you need to find an article for a paper? Check out this list of cool research tools in Philosophy.
Awards: We are proud of our students! There are a number of awards offered each year that recognize student achievements. Check out our Awards page.
Logic Tutoring: Free logic tutoring in person (H311) and on Zoom with Caden Hise