Looking for Advice on Majoring or Minoring in Philosophy?
The philosophy site Daily Nous hosts an incredibly valuable series of charts and graphs that illustrate the value of the philosophy major.
Below are several helpful links that provide additional information on the benefits of majoring in philosophy:
- A comprehensive list of links from UNC Chapel Hill Philosophy
- Why Major in Philosophy?
- 5 Reasons to Major in Philosophy
- For the love of wisdom, philosophy majors grow in number at UC Berkeley
- Prof. Gary Jason on why professional programs are especially appropriate for students with BA philosophy degrees
- Why CSUF students chose to major in philosophy
Please seek information from an advisor early in your academic career. Advisors can provide useful information about upcoming courses, course selections, and special courses such as seminars and internships. Advisors also have helpful perspectives on graduate school, employment after graduation, and career choices for philosophy majors. Students are encouraged to attend the Department of Philosophy's annual convocation in the Fall semester for more advising information.
For advising in Philosophy , contact
You are also welcome to speak to any of these faculty members about which courses to take.
Resources for Student Success: College of HSS Student Success Website
The Concentration in Moral, Legal, and Social Philosophy for the Professions provides students an opportunity to focus their coursework on ethical issues in public life. The concentration culminates in an internship, and a thesis project. For more information, please contact the concentration advisor:
Professor Patrick Ryan (Hum 313)
Links to Forms
Initial Advice for Philosophy Majors
1. All majors should take Phil 315 (Philosophical Argument and Writing) as soon as possible after their freshman year. It is typically offered every semester and should not be taken later than the beginning of one's junior year.
2. Faculty recommend that majors take the following required classes early in their career: Phil 290 (Greek Philosophy) and then 300 (Rationalism and Empiricism). If you wish to take it, then save 301 (Kant and the Nineteenth Century) until you have completed 300.
3. Classes required for the major might be offered as evening classes every few years or so, but not every year.
4. Consider taking courses from full-time faculty in their area of expertise, including the following:
- Calarco: Existentialism (323); Marx and Marxism (382); Postmodernism (383)
- Davis: Medical Ethics (314); Philosophy of Law (355); Ethical Theory (410)
- DiPaolo: Philosophy of Science (303); Epistemology (430)
- Coplan: Greek Philosophy (290); Literature and Cinema (349); Philosophy of Sex and Love (325)
- Heiner: Social and Political Philosophy (345); Ethical Theory (410); Phenomenology (425)
- Howat: Symbolic Logic (368); American Philosophy (379); Metaphysics (420); Philosophy of Language (435)
- Lambeth: Rationalism and Empiricism (300); Kant and the 19th Century (301); Existentialism (323)
- Lee: Philosophy of Feminism (343); Philosophy of Race and Gender (377); Phenomenology (425)
- Liu: Asian Philosophy (350); Philosophy of Mind (440); Metaphysics (420); Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Language (435)
- Nichols: Rationalism and Empiricism (300); Philosophy of Religion (348); Asian Philosophy (350)
5. Faculty recommend that philosophy majors consider taking Symbolic Logic (368); this course will improve your performance on the GRE and LSAT.
6. Entering Freshman wishing to explore philosophy should consider taking Introduction to Philosophy (100), Meaning, Purpose and the Good Life (101), Critical Thinking (105), Introduction to Logic (106), Introduction to Ethics (120) or Greek Philosophy (290).
7. Check the Course Rotation Guidelines for expected course offerings. If you need a particular course, contact an advisor for detailed information.
8. Students taking the Concentration on Moral, Legal, and Social Philosophy for the Professions should check the Concentration Page for additional information on course offerings, internships, and advising.
9. All students should join the CSUF Philosophy Club email distribution list at for information and news from the department and Philosophy Club. Visit the Yahoo!Newsgroup link for more information.
10. Get a sense for the department's Mission and Learning Outcomes.