Why Study Philosophy? Do you want to know which actions are right or wrong? Do you think about what makes life worthwhile? Do you love the challenge of figuring out whether arguments are good or bad? Or, of figuring out whether you have good evidence for the things you believe? Then you should study Philosophy!
Are you considering a Major or Minor in Philosophy? We hope so! The Philosophy Major and Minor are relatively small by CSUF standards, at about 150 students. This is a good thing. It means that you will get to know other Majors and Minors, and your professors, all of whom love to talk about philosophy! At 39 units, the Philosophy Major is easy to complete as a Double Major. At 21 units, the Philosophy Minor is even easier to combine with a Major in a different discipline. The Major and Minor emphasize training in four broad categories: the History of Philosophy, Philosophical Argument and Writing, Ethics and Social/Political Philosophy, and Metaphysics and Epistemology.
Are you considering Law School? If so, checking out the Concentration is a must! The Concentration
in Moral, Legal, and Social Philosophy is 39 units. Again, it is easy to complete as a Double Major. It emphasizes Ethics, Social/Political Philosophy, and Applied Ethics.
Do you want to take a Philosophy course?
Are you looking for a Philosophy course to meet a GE requirement? The Philosophy Department offers a wide range of courses, on nearly every topic in Philosophy: from Logic to Asian Philosophy to Existentialism. We offer courses in every GE category. The Philosophy faculty are award-winning teachers who love doing Philosophy. We hope to see you in our classes
Are you enrolled in a Philosophy course, and want to know how to do succeed in it? Check out how to succeed in your courses
Need Advising? Do you need help deciding which Philosophy courses to take? Are you considering Philosophy as a Major or Minor? Check out these pages on Advising