Faculty Activities
Here is where you can learn more about our faculty and what we do both inside and outside the classroom.
Matthew Calarco
- “Le face-à-face au delà de l’anthropocentrisme.” In Visages. Eds. Laurent Guido et al. Lausanne: BHMS, 2017.
- “The Three Ethologies.” In Encountering Animal Bodies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
- “Beyond the Management of Pe(s)ts.” In The Ethics and Rhetoric of Invasion Ecology. Ed. James. K. Stanescu. Lexington, 2017.
John Davis
- “Faultless disagreement, cognitive command, and epistemic peers,” Synthese 192(1) (2015): 1-24.
- Editor of Ethics at the End of Life: New Issues and Arguments, Routledge Press, forthcoming.
Brady Heiner
- Founder & Executive Director of Project Rebound at CSU Fullerton and Founding Chair of the CSU Project Rebound Consortium, which administers programs on nine CSU campuses that support the higher education and successful reintegration of formerly incarcerated students, providing aupport with admissions, housing, employment, meals, advising and mentorship, transportation, and wellness.
- "Feminism and the Carceral State: Gender-Responsive Justice, Community Accountability, and the Epistemology of Antiviolence" (co-authored with Sarah Tyson), Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 3.1 (2017): 1-36.
- "The Procedural Entrapment of Mass Incarceration: Prosecution, Race, and the Unfinished Project of American Abolition," Philosophy & Social Criticism 42.6 (2016): 594-631. This article is discussed on National Public Radio.
Andrew Howat
- Paper accepted at Erkenntnis on Peirce and Wittgenstein
- Invited to give a paper to the University of Sheffield's Pragmatism Reading Group in June
- Attending the 'Cambridge Pragmatism Workshop' at the University of Cambridge, UK at the end of May
Emily Lee
- “Being-as-a-Model Minority,” forthcoming, 50 Key Words in Phenomenology, eds. Ann Murphy, Gail Weiss, and Gayle Salamon, Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
- “A Problem with Conceptually Paralleling Race and Class: Regarding the Question of Choice,” forthcoming Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, v. 39, n. 2 (Spring 2018).
- “Identity-in-Difference to Avoid Indifference,” The Future of Feminist Phenomenologies, eds. Helen Fielding and Dorothea Olkowski, 313-327. Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2017.
JeeLoo Liu
- Co-edited book:
Consciousness and the Self
, Cambridge University Press, Jan. 2012.
- Grant: Templeton Foundation grant for one-year paid leave, 2011-12
Ryan Nichols
Lead author on a forthcoming article in Journal of Asian Studies entitled “Modeling the contested relationship between Analects, Mencius, and Xunzi: Preliminary evidence from a Machine-Learning Approach,” which takes an entirely new approach to the study of these classic Chinese texts.
Recently began (8/2017) a three-year John Templeton Foundation funded “Academic Cross-Training” project that affords him time to take courses at CSUF, UCLA, Fuller Theological Seminary and UCI, and to develop new skills of use for research about what made China Chinese.
Continues to work on interdisciplinary research review papers on women and gender in China, footbinding in economic and evolutionary psychological contexts, and China’s alleged moral crisis.